Friday, December 21, 2012

10 day countdown

There are ten days before I go. 

Azafady sent a schedule for the trip. The campsites are in Andramanaka, St Luce, and Ebikika. In the first, we will be repairing schools. In St Luce, we will work on conservation and improving the Azafady camp. In Ebikika, we will be planting trees and repairing a school Azafady built in 2010 that was damaged by severe weather. 

Amazon has done well by me this holiday. The only problem is the availability of ebooks. How is it that the Aufbau is unavailable? But, doing the search lead me to an ebook containing the correspondence between Quine and Carnap. Also, I could find neither the book of Jamie nor the collection of philosophical papers by Ramsey I am reading. 

I decided to drop the idea of writing a paper on Frank Plumpton Ramsey in favor of expanding one on Willard Van Orman Quine I wrote for senior seminar in 2010.  The last ~600 words of what I wrote is useless! Luckily, I figured out what I was trying to communicate. 

Also, there is no significant progress to report on my attempt to build a portable solar charger. I wanted to get a breadboard to figure out how to convert 12VDC to 5VDC for USB... Should I drop the price on the Insight to sell it before I go or try to get my brother interested? 

It rained a lot (.66in) here last week. Even though I want to see a girl I met with a week ago, I was too scared to go dancing tonight. Bella, by getting up out of her spot, asked me to let her out while I was doing laundry instead of dancing. I saw lights in the casita next door. 

Anyway, I have tons of gear for camping. My parents were very generous. I am not sure I know how to use anything we bought.  

Should be swell.